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Module production and assembly BEUTTER

From development to assembly

Jointly with our customers, we develop and design modules and entire items of equipment, and we implement these designs in the form of prototypes and in volume production. With existing designs, we support our customers in the production maturity process, the selection of materials and the choice of tolerances. You benefit from our comprehensive knowledge of all of these production processes.

BEUTTER uses all assembly processes including cementing, soldering and welding (e.g. with laser or electron beam). In some cases, we sub-contract to appropriately skilled and approved suppliers. We assemble modules and entire items of equipment, including their electrical, electronic, pneumatic, and hydraulic components.

In consultation with our customers, we conduct function tests and endurance tests with the requisite documentation. When required, we determine specific functional parameters and we measure parameters.

Want to know more?

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René Meier
Vertriebsleiter / Head of Sales & Marketing

tel +49 7428 933-130